Soccer Saturday Returns to IBM Connect 2014 -- Join Us!
Bill Malchisky November 1 2013 11:00:00 PM
Ready to start the Connect conference properly? Well, if you are looking for something to do before BALD on Saturday, keep reading. Come play with or watch your favorite geeks on the sandy pitch at Disney, while enjoying a few rounds of the great game. We all enjoyed it in January 2013 and I just had to get it going again for 2014. Please feel free join us even if you do not play as all spectators are welcome.
Event Details
Date: Saturday, 25 January 2014
Time: 10:00 AM - Noon
Place: Dolphin Hotel beach (where the Sunday Night party is located)
Cost: Free
Player Registration: Post a comment to this post; all skill levels welcome
Questions: Comment below or contact me here -- use the subject Soccer Saturday please.
We will play soccer (football outside of the USA) for 1.5h with breaks, then play American football for 0.5h to finish up the event. Afterwards, we can all enjoy a round of freshly made cocktails created especially for us. (I understand fully if you need time in the hot tub as well to recover.)
If your status changes, please as a courtesy, post a follow-up comment below, or contact me directly. Thank you.
Guest Referee: Chris Miller
Guest Mai Tai Master: Joe Litton*
*Mr. Litton's appearance is made possible to the community for purely post-game medicinal purposes.
1. Feel free to bring your favorite tasty beverage to enjoy as well, just make sure that you leave the glass in the hotel and use paper, plastic, or metal containers on the beach. It's a hotel policy and one that I condone; no one wants to cut their feet on broken glass on a sidewalk or buried in the sand;
2. Again, if you register and your status changes, please be courteous and either post a comment below or contact me via Twitter, Skype, e-mail, telephone call, SMS, What's App, or carrier pigeon. Thank you.
See you in Orlando!
A scene from January's most excellent outing. Thanks to my friend Alan Hamilton for posting the picture.
(Clockwise, bottom left: Handly, Mikkel, Per, myself, and Bernhard in his first Orlando Lotusphere/Connect conference)
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