IBM Connections 4.5: Decoding the Downloaded Filenames
Bill Malchisky April 1 2013 03:00:00 AM
As IBM announced IBM Connections 4.5 on 12 March 2013 with a 29 March download availability, there became a lot of interest from partners and customers to dive-in and take advantage of the great new enhancements this product provides. To that point and as this collaborative tool does a lot, there are a significant quantity of files from which you can choose. Now, not every customer site will need all of the files available in Passport Advantage for this offering, but the more you need, the more complex it can be to understand what you actually have. "Why is that?" you might ask. The non-ICS files suffer from an advanced case of terse encoding. Thus, unless you are a seasoned pro with DB2, WAS, TDI, Cognos, and FileNet, you might not have any clue what these files represent. But, the provided with Download Director output makes it easier. For 30 files though, constantly referring to it can be quite inefficient, hence my motivation to create the file list below; perhaps the listing will save you some time. Additionally, at the bottom, I attached the text file version for easy reference.To his credit, four years ago today Ed Brill did a great job with fixing the Lotus package names starting in Notes Domino version 8.5. This enhancement expanded within Lotus to our benefit. As you'll also see below, ICS provided excellent filenames for the three Connections 4.5 files. Other product managers seemed to listen with Cognos and DB2 for example, as they avoided the product numbers as the sole characters in the filename, but the introduced conventions are so compressed and non-standardized that you still need to take time to rename each file so you and your team members have an idea of what you really downloaded. Curious when the Tivoli and WebSphere teams will be able to assist and follow Ed's lead. If possible, I would also like to see more standardized (meaning leading with the product name, and version like ICS does) and more detailed names for the Cognos, FileNet, and DB2 packages too.
For lucidity, I am neither complaining nor implying as such, just politely illustrating an opportunity for improvement across another quality product set within the IBM software family.
Enjoy learning IBM Connections 4.5!
What The File Prefix Abbreviations Mean In IBM Connections 4.5
bi_qsg - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Quick Start Guide
bimodel - IBM Cognos Framework Manager
bippes - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence PowerPlay Server
bippclient - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence PowerPlay Client
bisamples - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Samples
bisrvr - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server
bitrsfrmr - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Transformer
cmmsrvr - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Metric Server
coc_win32 - IBM Cognos for Microsoft Office
crn_qsg - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Reporting Quick Start Guide
crnsrvr - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Reporting
DB2_DSclient - IBM Data Server Client
DB2_ESE - IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition
DB2_RTC - IBM Data Server Runtime Client
DB2_SF_SSL - IBM DB2 Support Files for SSL Functionality
dm - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Data Manager
docmmqsg - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Metric Manager Quick Start Guide
dqa - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Dynamic Query Analyzer
edge.repo.8000.all - IBM Edge Components: Load Balancer for IPV4 and IPV6 (for WAS Network Deployment v8.0 Multiplatform)
FN_COL - IBM FileNet Collaboration Services
FN_CPE - IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine
FN_CPEC - IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine Client
lp_mp_win32 - IBM Cognos Supplementary Languages Documentation
pp_qsg - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence PowerPlay Quick Start Guide
realmon - IBM Cognos Real-time Monitoring
stats - IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Statistics
upgrademanager - IBM Cognos Lifecycle Manager
vvm - IBM Cognos Virtual View Manager
Unnamed Files
CZ9MJML - Tivoli Directory Integrator Identity Edition v7.1 for Windows x86
CZ9MKML - Tivoli Directory Integrator Identity Edition v7.1 for Windows x86-64
CZ9MLML - Tivoli Directory Integrator Identity Edition v7.1 for AIX
CZ9MPML - Tivoli Directory Integrator Identity Edition v7.1 for Linux zSeries & s/390
Decoded Files
IBM_Connection_4.5_wizards - Consistent across each flavor
IBM_Connections_4.5 - Consistent across each flavor
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Three Useful Links
IBM Connections 4.5 Support Portal
IBM Connections 4.5 System Requirements
IBM Connections Product Page
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